Climate Risk

Written by Dean Stockford

Dean is the President and CEO of M&M Consulting. He has more than 30 years of progressive responsibility working with financial institutions and has been with M&M Consulting for more than 20 years.

April 22, 2022


Climate change poses serious and systemic risks to the U.S. economy and financial system. Financial institutions play a critical role in our economy. They are the front line in managing all financial risks, including those posed by climate change. With the growing recognition of the financial risks and rising external pressures, regulators are beginning to act, so don’t wait. 

We are here to help 

M & M Consulting, LLC and GeodataVision have teamed up to provide a comprehensive Climate Risk Assessment & Mapping solution uniquely tailored to address the climate change risk within your financial institution.  

What we can do for you  

The mapping solution and our combined experience of more than 50 year’s will include: 

  • Identification of climate risk
  • Assessment of climate risk factors specific to the institution
  • Detailed maps that depict the climate-related hazards and ratings for each census tract within a defined area, which superimposes loans, deposits and branch/facility locations on top of these tracts color-coded to reflect a given climate risk
  • As series of fields containing the risk ratings for each climate hazard, which includes (18) various hazards plus the community vulnerability risk, community resiliency risk and a composite risk rating that will be appended to each record
  • A series of summary risk rating tables based on the counts of records and the value of records for each natural climate hazard broken into all risk
  • Summary/Narrative of the overall assessment of risk to the institution
  • A detailed description of the risk methodology
  • Risk Assessment matrix which plots the overall climate related risk to the institution

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